If you’ve ever celebrated a Christmas, you know that with all the joy and excitement comes a lot of clutter. So the last thing you and your home need around the holidays is to deal with more clutter already in your home. If you want to be clutter-free for Christmas, you really can make it […]
How to Clean Your Toothbrushes After Illness
You probably don’t think about cleaning your toothbrush much — until something happens to make you think it might be necessary. After all, they’re your own germs, right? However, if you or someone in your household has been sick, it’s probably a good idea to try and disinfect that toothbrush so they don’t get re-exposed […]
Don’t Even Think About Cleaning With These Detergents!
When you’re shopping for laundry detergents, what do you look for? Are you brand loyal to one kind or another? Do you buy whatever is on sale? Do you use what you always used growing up — out of habit? Maybe you look for gentler, safer alternatives to traditional detergents. These are all valid […]
7 Chemical Free Cleaning Products That are Tough on Grime
Everyone likes a clean home. But by show of hands, who loves chemical-based cleaners? Nobody? Well then you’re in luck, because there are a whole bunch of cleaners you can make at home that are made of natural ingredients. But just because they’re naturally made doesn’t mean they don’t work. In fact, they might even […]
Clean Your Toaster in Five Steps
There are certain appliances you leave on your countertop all the time — such as your toaster. Since they’re left out for all to see, you are probably a little more worried about keeping them clean. If your toaster deserves (or needs) more than a half-hearted wipe down, here’s how to get it super clean […]
Make Your Own Scented Vinegar
Last time you went to a specialty grocer, import store, or kitchen shop, you probably saw those fancy vinegars. They might include peppers, spices, fruits, or other things that give them a more pleasant smell and even affect the flavor. Even if you just want them for kitchen decor, you can make your own fancy […]