Everyone likes a clean home. But by show of hands, who loves chemical-based cleaners? Nobody? Well then you’re in luck, because there are a whole bunch of cleaners you can make at home that are made of natural ingredients. But just because they’re naturally made doesn’t mean they don’t work. In fact, they might even […]
Made With Vodka: Cleaning Recipes
As far as DIY cleaning solutions go, vodka (and hey, the cheaper the better) is actually right up there with vinegar. Here are some clever vodka cleaning hacks that will have you singing the praises of this versatile elixir. 1. Room Diffusers You can make your own room scent diffusers with vodka, essential oils, water, […]
Correct Ways to Care for Lacquer Furniture
Did you know most commercially-made pieces of furniture are coated in lacquer? It’s that hard, protective, shiny topcoat that was first used on art-deco furniture, but now it’s pretty commonplace in furniture manufacturing, especially for pieces that are coated with a color that doesn’t occur in nature. If you’re not sure if you have lacquer […]
Cleaning Ice Melter Off Your Winter Leather Shoes
You finally found them — that ideal pair of leather boots that will keep your feet warm and dry through the winter months — without making you clunk around in moon boots. Remember those? Ugh. Hooray for progress! Now that you’ve found the perfect winter pair, you want to take care of them. And if […]
Clean Your Toaster in Five Steps
There are certain appliances you leave on your countertop all the time — such as your toaster. Since they’re left out for all to see, you are probably a little more worried about keeping them clean. If your toaster deserves (or needs) more than a half-hearted wipe down, here’s how to get it super clean […]
Make Your Own Scented Vinegar
Last time you went to a specialty grocer, import store, or kitchen shop, you probably saw those fancy vinegars. They might include peppers, spices, fruits, or other things that give them a more pleasant smell and even affect the flavor. Even if you just want them for kitchen decor, you can make your own fancy […]