Have you looked at your baseboards lately? Here’s a story for you. I was recently considering painting my living room. When I was looking at the walls I realized how awful my baseboards looked. And you know what? After I cleaned them up, the whole room looked so good that I decided I can wait […]
How to Easily Organize Your Utility Closet
For whatever reason, storage areas of the home are super difficult to keep organized. Is it because we have so much stuff these days, or because we don’t entertain in those rooms, so we tend to let the organization slide? I guess the reason doesn’t matter — as long as you promise to whip it […]
8 Ways to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
You know fruit flies? Those tiny little bugs that buzz around your produce? They have a way of appearing out of nowhere and they basically taking charge of your kitchen. The best way to prevent them is to seal your fruit up in the fridge instead of leaving it on the counter. But when you’re […]
10 Things You Should Be Cleaning Every Week
Some things need to be cleaned more often than others. For example, you probably do dishes every day, but maybe you vacuum weekly. If you want to keep a clean house, here is a list of things to put on your weekly to-do’s. However, that doesn’t mean they all need to be done the same […]
10 Ways to Completely Organize Your Laundry
I don’t know about you, but laundry is my least favorite household chore. I don’t really mind the sorting and washing, or even loading the dryer. The part I hate is folding it all and putting it away. I may re-start the dryer 3 times to “take the wrinkles out” before I get around to […]
Organize Your Upright Freezer in 4 Steps
You bought an upright freezer to help you stock up on meat and other foods. Chances are, it’s a big help — especially if you have a big family. The trouble is that these large freezers are notorious for becoming horribly disorganized. Then, when you go to retrieve that roast or bag of chicken, you can’t […]