We spend a ton of time sitting in front of our computers. And whether yours is a desktop, laptop, or iPad with a keyboard, you probably end up multitasking there, too. And by multitasking, of course I mean eating, right? Maybe you also do crafts at your desk. Maybe you and the kids use […]
Easily Remove Stains from Yellowed Pillows
There’s nothing better than a set of clean sheets, along with a fresh pillow to rest your head. And for some reason, all of this feels even cleaner and fresher if everything is white. Know what I mean? Sadly though, those clean white pillows tend to turn yellow over time — even after they’ve […]
How to Solve All Your Household Problems (With Cooking Spray!)
Once in a while, something comes along that is meant for one purpose, but serves many others. In the kitchen, the Food Network’s Alton Brown often specifies tools as either “unitaskers” (meaning they do one thing) or multitaskers (meaning they can be used for lots of things). One of those multitasking gems is probably […]
How to Deep Clean Your Kitchen Trashcan
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Taking out the trash isn’t anyone’s favorite household chore, but you can’t exactly leave it alone either. Over the week leading up to trash day, the stuff in your kitchen garbage can probably gets stinky. But what makes it even worse is the fact that those odors tend […]
Correctly Clean Your Humidifier
If you have a humidifier at home, how often do you clean it? When you get it out to use it, do you end up spending 15 minutes cleaning it first? Generally speaking, while your humidifier is in use, you should empty and refill the water tank daily. You should also use filtered […]
12 Genius Ways to Use Baby Oil Around the Home
Even if you don’t have babies in your home, you can still use baby oil (and if you do have kids, make sure you keep your baby oil tightly capped and out of their reach). In fact, you can use this cheap and practical oil in many areas of your home, for things that […]