Taking a shower, using the sink, or cleaning the dishes can become a nightmare if the drain starts to get backed up and clogged. The best way to unclog a drain is by taking care of it so it doesn’t get clogged in the first place, but that’s not always possible. So, if you find yourself with a clogged drain and want to try some natural remedies before turning to chemicals, then here’s a short list!
This calls for lemon peels, salt, and ice. While it may not be the best at unclogging the drain, it works pretty well plus it makes the drain smell better, too! However, this only works for a garbage disposal. Put the lemon peels, salt, and ice down the drain and run the disposal. Run a stream of hot water while it’s going to make sure the drain gets flushed. This works because the ice and salt grind away at any blockage while the lemon helps make things smell better.
For drains besides the kitchen sink, try a mixture of baking soda, table salt, and white vinegar. Pour one cup of each down the drain and let it sit for a bit. Then run boiling water down the drain for a while. The baking soda and vinegar create a cleansing foam and the salt rubs up against the grime to help unblock things.
If that doesn’t work, here’s another idea. Pour hot water down the drain. You want it as hot as you can get it. Then add ½ cup of baking soda and let it sit in the drain for a bit. Next, add one cup of vinegar and one cup of hot water. If you have a drain plug, then put it in now. This will keep the reaction contained to underneath the sink or tub. Once you’ve let that sit for a bit, pour another thing of hot water down the drain.
These are just a few ways to unclog your drain naturally. Now, these may not work if the drain is really clogged, but you can at least give it a try. If the drain still remains clogged, I would suggest calling a plumber or investing in some chemical cleaner in order to get the job done.
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