It’s a little known fact that Magic Erasers are a great weapon to have in your cleaning arsenal. They’re great for cleaning all sorts of things. Here are just a few amazing ways to use your Magic Eraser.
Scuff marks are probably the most well-known mess that Magic Erasers can clean up. Whether it’s on the floor, furniture, or something else, Magic Erasers can solve the problem.
Another popular use for Magic Erasers are to get rid of soap scum in tubs and sinks. Just rub the Magic Eraser on the soap scum and watch it disappear!
Use a Magic Eraser to get rid of old writing remnants. Your board will look like new!
If you have little kids running around, then you probably have had your walls and furniture decorated with their wonderful artwork. For crayons and markers, a Magic Eraser can be a fast and easy solution to get those marks out.
For hard and dried-on food stains in your microwave, don’t rely on a wet and soggy paper towel. Instead, grab a Magic Eraser and go to town! The food should come off pretty quickly and easily, making your life so much better!
If you have patio furniture, then you’ve probably seen the dirt and grime stains that can get on them (especially if the furniture is white). Use a Magic Eraser to scrub down the furniture and those stains should go away.
If you have some tennis shoes or other shoes that are looking a little dull and lackluster, try a Magic Eraser. Test a small spot for (to make sure it won’t ruin the shoe’s material) and, if it works, then clean both shoes.
Water stains, food stains, and other messes can make your sink and stovetop look messy. Clean it up with a Magic Eraser! This is especially great if your sink is stainless steel.
I’ve never personally tried this, but lots of people online say that Magic Erasers are great for cleaning mirrors. Not only do they do a great job making the mirror shine, but they can also help prevent fogging supposedly.
Magic Erasers are also great for cleaning your windows, both inside and outside! Again, test this out on a small part of the windowpane just to make sure nothing bad will happen.
If you do your own hair at home, then you have probably run into the issue of getting hair color stains and dyes on the ground or counters. A Magic Eraser can help pull those stains out and get rid of any unsightly splotches.
I’ve heard Magic Erasers being used to get rid of algae in pool liners or fish tanks and other similar things. Depending on how bad the algae problem is, you may need to buy a few Magic Erasers, but it’s definitely worth the investment if it solves the problem.
Unsightly rings in the toilet are obnoxious. Instead of scrubbing at them all day, here’s a great idea! Cut a piece off of a Magic Eraser and let it sit in the toilet overnight. The next morning, when you go to clean the toilet, the ring should come right out!
It’s always sad when your favorite mug has that stuck-on ring from coffee or tea. If the dishwasher won’t get rid of it, then use a Magic Eraser. With a bit of elbow grease, you should be able to get the stain right out.
Rust is sometimes easily removed with a Magic Eraser. Try it on a small part of the appliance (to make sure it won’t ruin the material under the rust) and then go to town on de-rusting everything!
Lots of interesting topics that I would check out but waiting for so many pages to load for information that could be all on one page is just too aggravating. For “16 uses” I might be willing to load 3 times but 1 use per page is just ridiculously not worth it.
Magic erasers work like magic on clothes irons, you don’t even have to heat them! You could probably even use them on curling or flat irons! Also, they work well on scuffs left on your vehicle, maybe I’ll try it to remove the bugs as well!
beware using them on cars they will take off the clear coat
Do not use magic erasers on hardwood. It does take the shine off and makes more marks.