The temperatures have quickly dropped, and there is snow on the ground, which means winter is officially here! These 13 household tips to survive winter are such game changers. Don’t miss out on them!
Household Tips To Survive Winter
Put a sock on each of your windshield wipers to protect them from a winter storm. This also prevents the wiper blades from sticking to your windshield, which makes them last longer.

Stick your pajamas at the foot of your bed so they’re warm when you change at night. I love this because when I pull them out from underneath the covers, they’re so toasty and warm!

If possible, park your car facing east so it gets full exposure to the sun. This makes it so your car defrosts faster and the ice melts! No scraping required! Who doesn’t love that?

When you come inside and take your shoes or boots off, fill them with newspaper, especially if they’re wet. The newspaper will absorb odor and water faster than air drying alone.

If the sun is out and shining, then open up the blinds and curtains to let the light in. This will heat up your home, which also helps you save money on your heating bill!

Make sure to get some draft busters that you can stick on your doors and windows. This prevents any drafts from coming in!

Heat up your bed with water bottles or other water containers that have hot water in them. Just set them under the covers and on the pillows for a while before you go to bed!

Fill a plastic tray with rocks and then store your shoes and boots on them. This allows your footwear to drain faster and mess free.

Get a firewood holder that you can put on the patio or somewhere else with easy access. Then, when it gets cold, start a fire and you’ll love it!

If there’s a winter storm coming (or you just hate scraping ice off your rearview mirrors), cover them with bags to prevent snow and ice buildup at night.

Spray your snow shovel with nonstick spay or WD-40. This keeps the snow and ice from sticking to your shovel, making it way easier to use!

For a warm house that also smells good, make a stovetop potpourri! I love this idea because it keeps your house smelling great while also adding some warmth!

If you have an exposed radiator to heat your home, then stick some tinfoil behind it. This will reflect more heat into your house, making it warmer! Just be careful when apply the tinfoil that nothing burns!

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