Costco is one of the best places to shop, but how do we know if we are actually saving money buying these items in bulk? Well I did a little research and here is what you should buy at Costco and what you should not buy at Costco.

What You Should Buy At Costco
Everyone will agree that you can’t find milk cheaper anywhere else. So remember when you’re at Costco to grab a gallon.
If you shop at another grocery store with gas deals you may find similar prices, but Costco gas will always be cheaper than the regular gas station, so make it a point to fill up when you are near Costco….even just a few cents a gallon really adds up over time.
I know most people don’t want that much butter at one time, but you can freeze it! Then you save a lot and you always have butter on hand.
Bacon is usually a rare delicacy at our house because it can be so dang expensive! You can buy it for $2.74 per pound at Costco, and remember again you can freeze it, so it doesn’t go bad.
Diapers and Wipes
If you have a child in diapers then you know that you can never have to many of these! Costco has great deals and Kirkland brand is made by Huggies.
They have awesome prices on produce BUT if you buy more than you need, and end up throwing it away you aren’t saving any money. So make sure to only buy if you know you will use it all.

Costco has a great deals on flowers and they are usually beautiful! (You may want to pass this tip onto your husband!)
Toilet Paper
It’s great quality at a good price.
Costco Restaurant
If you plan to grab some food while you are out, Costco is the best place to do it if you want to get the most for your money! They have great food, and the prices are even better…you can’t beat $1.50 hot dog and drink!
What You Should NOT Buy
You will always be able to find better deals on cereal somewhere else.
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
Watch the sales around you, but even without sales or coupons you can usually find it cheaper per pound at another grocery store.
Shampoo and Conditioner
Remember just because it’s in bulk doesn’t mean it’s cheaper. Shampoo and conditioner usually costs more per ounce.
They are so inviting, but go online and you will find them for up to 1/2 the price.
It’s not terribly overpriced at Costco, but it is always on sale at the grocery store and you can save a lot.
I hope that this list of what you should buy at Costco, and what you shouldn’t buy at Costco helps! And please let me know of more do’s and don’ts for buying at Costco!
I always buy chicken at COSTCO despite price. Because the meat goes through extra testing and it’s worth it to me. Same with the other meat products there.
You forgot best food mayo in the gallon size, yes its a lot but with family and summer salads ect. you save a lot of money
I think this was a great article & I agree with almost everything except the chicken. This could be because of the area I live in or the grocery stores here. I think the chicken is is at least equal in price to the stores in my area. With Costco I feel the meat is much better quality and I love that the breasts are ins usually wrapped. Other than that I agree with most of the items. And the toilet paper…great deal and it is fantastic quality! I also buy their trash bags. I swear to you I buy trash bags once a year…maybe twice. Great quality. If you haven’t tried them you should.
P.S. – always check where produce and fish come from.
Fish is often from China- and if you haven’t seen what fish farms in China look like – you might want to try looking for a Youtube video about them before ever eating Chinese seafood again.
And Mexican farmers often use human excrement as fertilizer, because cows & sheep don’t last long there. .
And if you consider the Costco hot dog a meal- you are seriously pathetic.
Shame they owuldn’t use some of their bakery products for those who would like a sweet treat, instead of ice milk concoction…
Kirkland laundry detergent is actually Tide
I loveeeee, Costco…always great prices and 100 % satisfaction policy in the best. What I do with fresh products especially with mushroom, Spanish, and kale. I cut the mushrooms and freeze them is separate ziploc bags and they are ready when I need them. Eggs are super cheap also Kirkland butter is super good quality for baking.
Can’t always afford it, right now I can’t afford the cost of membership. I’d like to see them come down on the card for seniors and Vets.
Sometimes we can save a lot there and sometimes not. Just thought it would be nice to have the opportunity
I’m addicted to shopping in Costco. I’m there at least 2-3 times a week. Their customer service and return policy is outstanding! Meat quality is a lot better then local grocery stores, we’re a family of six so quantity and buying in bulk is not a problem, nothing goes to waste. Kirkland brand it is actually a lot better quality then any other that I can think of. When it comes to seafood it’s great but some of their packaged products do come from China and I stay away from that! Always read the small print in the back, and don’t buy Chinese seafood!!! I 100% agree here with Mike Hunt, if you don’t know check out the YouTube videos on seafood from China.
I have 3 Costco locations near by so the only minus I can think of is that unfortunately not all Costco stores offer the same products/items, for example I purchased shoes for my daughter and they were to small, this particular Costco store I was at were out of the next higher size so I tried the two other locations and they both didn’t received those at all. I tried the Costco.com but they did not offer that style as well.
Samples are always a treat at Costco and a great way of trying new products. For some who don’t know you’re able to go in and purchase any food they offer from their fast food area without membership. That is the only department membership is not required, and they offer quite a few meals from salads to chili and pizza and/or dessert for a great low price.
Personally I absolutely love Costco and give them 5* or A+
I forgot to mention that their bathrooms are always clean which in my opinion is a huge plus!
Kirkland coffee beans are as good as Starbucks.
When you find awesome prices on Produce, and you happen to buy more than you need, freeze it! Online you can find how to freeze pretty much everything, so don’t waste food! 🙂
If you don’t want to buy bulk, Aldi’s is a great place for staples. Milk, sugar, butter, eggs, bread loaf, yogurt, peanut butter, cheese slices, paper towels, laundry detergent. Just bring a quarter for a cart. Quarter is refundable. Bags available for a small fee, or just grab a box. I bring my own bags. Don’t be a snob…try Aldi’s.
Buy yourself a gift card then you don’t need to buy membership
I live in a state where mile is anywhere from 1.89 to 2.19 at the regular store. Costco milk is way more expensive even at regular 2.19 pricing.