How often do you clean your walls? If that question just reminded you that yes, walls need to be cleaned once in a while, I get it! Walls hold up the roof and give us security, but beyond that they sometimes get the short end of the stick in our cleaning efforts. That may be because it isn’t so easy to clean your walls. So let’s talk about walls today–how often should you be cleaning them? And then stick around for some tips to make the job much easier!
How Often Should You Clean Your Walls?
How often to clean your walls depends on how dirty your house gets. Lots of things contribute to that, including the outdoor weather conditions in your area. And how often you leave your windows open also contributes to how much cleaning your walls need. In homes with lots of allergies, cleaning walls is needed as often as 3-4 times per month! What’s more, home with children and pets make cleaning often more necessary. If you have kids, just think about all the little dirty fingerprints you find on your walls, especially around light switches and door casings!
The good news is, that even if you have little kids, spot cleaning the dirty fingerprints can take the place of some of those full-wall cleaning jobs. Just make a mental note to take more notice of your walls and how dirty they get. Then clean accordingly. But as a general rule of thumb, you should clean your walls at least twice per year. Just include them in your spring and fall cleaning and that should do it.
Tried-And-True Tips To Clean Your Walls
So now let’s talk about how to make cleaning your walls easier! If you’re like me, you tend to put it off because it’s not a fun job. But I promise, these tried-and-true tips from cleaning experts will make it more doable.
- Do you ever use a long-handled brush or mop to clean your shower walls? There’s no reason not to use it on your regular walls too–especially if it has a soft bristle or fabric head. If I don’t have to haul out the ladder, I’m much more likely to get the job done on time. So look for a handle that extends as long as you need to be able to reach to the ceilings.
- Take the time to vacuum and dust your walls before you wash them. In fact, if you take the time to dust and vacuum your walls–including moldings and corners–monthly, you can extend the time between washings. Pay special attention to cobwebs and dusty spots above doorways.
- The best solution to clean your walls isn’t expensive at all. Try a few drops of dishwashing liquid in warm water, and a soft sponge. Rinse walls with a clean microfiber cloth dipped in cool water.
- Pay attention to the type of paint on the walls, because it does affect how easy they are to clean. Walls painted in an eggshell sheen are much easier to wipe clean. Walls painted with a flat finish need to be cleaned with care, because the paint is more likely to wipe off with the dirt.
What tips and tricks have you tried when you clean your walls? Please share your successes with us! When you do clean your walls, try these helpful tips for cleaning window tracks.
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