Have you ever opened your cupboard or walked into the kitchen to see a big, sticky mess waiting for you to clean up? Maybe the kids spilled the honey or someone knocked over the syrup, but the result is the same. You need to know how to clean sticky spills, and fast! Sticky spills that sit just attract ants and other critters, so it’s important to clean them up when you find them. Here’s the secret solution to clean sticky spills–just don’t forget to bring a little patience.
The Secret Solution to Clean Sticky Spills
There’s no expensive cleaning liquid or fancy cloth needed to clean sticky spills. What you really need is a small bucket or bowl of hot water, a cleaning rag or sponge, and some patience. Because it may not happen in a couple of minutes, but you will get that sticky spill cleaned up. Are you ready for the solution?
Turn on the tap water and let it run hot.
Put some of that hot water in a small bucket or bowl. If the water is a bit too hot for comfort, try wearing a pair of latex gloves on your hands. If you don’t have any, just give the water a couple of minutes to cool a bit. But not too much–you want the water hot for this job!
Soak the cleaning rag in the hot water.
Get that rag or sponge soaking wet, wring it out, and immediately apply it to the sticky spill. Just lay it on top and let it sit for a few minutes. Use your hand to press down on the cleaning rag so the hot water can penetrate the spill. The heat is key in cleaning up a sticky spill.
As you feel the cleaning rag cool down, wipe up as much of the sticky mess as you can. Now re-wet the rag in the hot water, wring it out, and reapply it to the sticky spill. Continue with this method until you successfully remove all of the honey, syrup or jam. If an older child causes the spill, get her involved in cleaning it up so she’ll know how to help next time.
Once the sticky spill is gone, take the time to remove any germs that may be left behind. Then you can feel good knowing the surface is thoroughly clean!
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