You can’t possibly clean every single thing in your life, but here are 32 things you probably haven’t cleaned that maybe should have been cleaned like, a long time ago.
Hairbrushes. They get really dirty and can be cleaned easily with another comb. Every once in a while, use a bowl of warm water and shampoo and clean that hair brush. Great ideas at RealSimple.com.
. They clean our teeth so that must mean they’re clean too right? WRONG. Check out how the Health Extremist cleans her toothbrushes.
The Toothbrush Holder. Have you looked at yours lately? I just looked at mine and.. sheesh… looks like I need to take a tip from Cafe Mom and clean it with some hot water and mouthwash.
Vacuum Filters. You spend time cleaning with it, but have you considered your vacuum might be causing some of the dust? You can send the filter through by itself in the dishwasher and it should do wonders for the cleanliness of your house. A Girl and Her Needle nailed it with this idea.
Trashcans. I Dream of Clean pointed this one out to us and boy are we sorry we didn’t think of this before! Um, hello? Isn’t that where we stick all of our garbage?
Your Phone. How To Geek has some great pointers on how best to clean your phone, and why. Check it out!
Shower Curtains. They exist in a perpetually humid room, which is the perfect setting for all those nasty bacteria that get you sick. Clean My Space has some great step-by-step instructions on how to get that shower curtain liner clean.
TV remotes and game controllers. Your hands are one of the dirtiest places on your body regardless of how many times you wash your hands a day. And because we use them so frequently, the TV remote and our game controllers can get straight up nasty. There’s a great product you can find at Amazon that is specifically designed to help you clean in between the cracks of your remote.
Your Steering Wheel. If it’s plastic you’re safe to use a disinfecting wipe. If it’s leather you probably should use a leather cleaner or something like that. Be sure to get everywhere your hands touch, including the blinker handle and gearshift. Go to Popular Mechanics for more information.
Pop Up Sink Stoppers. There is definitely more hair down there than you think there will be. It’s inevitable. HowToWithGEO has a great video tutorial on how to get it taken care of.
Bathtub Drains. Again with the hair, but worse. Giraffe Legs conquered her fear of the bathtub drain and so can you! Go to her site for the full story.
Faucet Aerators. You know that screen on your faucet that helps control the flow of water? You can clean that! And you probably need to! The Family Handyman has an easy to follow tutorial on how its done.
Reusable Grocery Bags. This thought honestly never crossed my mind, but it makes total sense. I mean these are right near your food! Of course they need cleaned every once in awhile. They’re definitely machine washable, but if you don’t want to wear them out A Drop of This has a great disinfectant recipe.
Doormats. They’re the first thing people see when they get to your door, and they have probably never been cleaned in their lifetime. Apartment Therapy has a great how to on a typically hard to clean type of doormat.
Pillows and Duvets. I’m usually pretty good about cleaning my pillowcases and duvet covers, but I never clean the actual pillow or duvet. Think of all the face stuff that’s worked into the fibers! Gross! Dania Down Home has a great tutorial on how to get your duvet covers smelling like new, and I Dream of Clean has one for pillows.
Bathroom Exhaust Fan (or any exhaust fan for that matter). A quick once over with a can of pressurized air should do the trick, or you can take it apart and clean it like Jillee did at One Good Thing. Go to her site to see how she did it!
AC/Heating Vents. Clean air vents in your house means you have cleaner air, and that you’ll be so much healthier breathing cleaner air. How Stuff Works has amazing instructions on how to get those vents good and clean.
Door Locks. Have you ever thought to clean your doorknob or deadbolt? I sure didn’t! Spring Cleaning 365 shared this idea and I think it’s a good one 🙂
BBQ Grill. Made From Pinterest has an awesome tutorial on how to take cleaning the grill to the next level and get it looking like new. If you’re lucky enough to own a grill you should definitely check it out.
Houseplants. Yep. Those too. They can collect dust and breed little bugs that crawl everywhere. You’re usually good to just spray them with some warm water, but for plants with larger leaves you may need to take a damp cloth and wipe them down.
Credit Cards. It’s not going to be super dirty, but the constant swiping of your cards can leave tiny particles trapped in the magnetic strip and that could lead to it rubbing off or not working properly. Just wipe it down with a wet cloth, then gently take an eraser and rub the strip on the back. That should get rid of any build up in that area. Check out Life Hacker for more tips and tricks.
Bathroom Loofahs are in the same situation as the shower curtain and toothbrush. You can only rinse so much out of your loofah or sponge. To get it really clean takes something a bit stronger than water. eHow prefers to use some sort of bleach to get it clean. Go to their site for the full instructions.
Oscillating Fans can collect a lot of dirt and gunk while they cool us off. Simply taking the fan apart and washing it in the sink can do wonders for how well your fan performs. WikiHow has a tutorial on how not to electrocute yourself while you clean.
Earbuds and headphones are another one of those things that you use every day and probably never clean. In some cases, this lack of cleaning has led to ear infections. Popsugar tells you just what to look out for and how to get those cleaner than when you took them out of the box.
Yoga Mats spend an awful lot of time on the floor, and almost zero time being cleaned. Free People gives us an easy disinfectant spray that’s easy to make and use.
Lampshades. They just sit there collecting dust day in and day out, and are probably causing more of the dust on that side table than you think. Expensive ones generally hold up better than the cheaper alternative (nor surprise there). From Gardeners to Bergers has some interesting information on just how you can clean your lampshade as well as things to avoid.
Aluminum water bottles are notorious for that funky smell that they all develop. If you want to avoid it or get rid of the smell Instructables has some pretty good ideas on how to accomplish that.
Ice Cube Trays. We just fill them with water so they should be good right? Not always, turns out. Ice cube trays can be one of the smelliest things we own and it’s all because of what we keep it near. The weird combination of scents from things in the freezer can bleed into the tray and our ice causing them to smell and taste weird. Huffington Post has a pretty good article on how to fix it.
Dish Racks. Just like your shower curtain, a dishrack is an easy place for mildew to accumulate because of how wet and humid it is all the time. How To Clean Stuff shows us just how to get rid of mildew that you might already have as well as how to prevent it.
The Iron. Even if you just use your iron for shirts and pants there still can be a lot of buildup over time. Bargain Hoot has an awesome recipe for a baking soda paste that will bring that shine back to your iron and make sure you don’t gunk up your clothes in the future.
High Chair Straps. You’ve probably cleaned the plastic they sit on a hundred times, but have you ever cleaned the straps on the high chair? A Side of Sunshine shows us just how to take care of it and get that high chair looking like new.
Bath Toys are another one of those things in greater danger of growing mold because of the wet environment they exist in. Because of this you should probably be cleaning these more regularly than you are and making sure they get dried after every bath. We Love Being Moms showed us the process she went through to get it clean and what she did to prevent it later.
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