You’ve probably heard about the potential health benefits of coconut oil. You’ve probably also heard that it lends great flavor to cooking in many dishes. But did you know there are tons of outside-the-kitchen uses for it? For beauty and more, coconut oil is a total workhorse. Let’s look at a few of your options.
1. Eye Makeup Remover
I don’t know about you, but removing mascara every night is a big pain in my butt. And no matter what I do to get it off, it seems like I wake up looking like a raccoon. Well, coconut oil can rescue me — and you — from the dreaded rodent face. Just dab liquid coconut oil onto your lid and gently wipe every trace of that mascara away.
2. Sunburn Soother
Coconut oil can help moisturize your sunburn and speed healing. It also acts as an antimicrobial, which can help prevent infection.
3. Moisturizer
Whether it’s on your face, hands, or those pesky cracked heels, coconut oil makes an excellent moisturizer.
4. Nail Strengthener
Rub coconut oil into your nails every day, and they’ll stay stronger and healthier. Plus, you can fight nail fungus.
5. DIY Deodorant
If you run out of deodorant, you can use coconut oil in a pinch. You can also use it to make your own DIY deodorant.
6. Acne Fighter
It may seem counter-intuitive, but coconut oil actually fights inflammation and can reduce acne.
7. Hair Conditioner
Mixing coconut oil with honey and egg makes an amazing deep conditioning treatment.
8. Cast Iron Saver
Coconut oil makes a great seasoner for cast iron pans. Technically, this is an in-the-kitchen use, but it’s still outside of the box!
9. Stain Remover
You can actually use coconut oil as a stain remover. It’s especially good for waxy, greasy, or fatty stains.
10. Furniture Polisher
Make your wood shine like crazy with coconut oil. Here’s a great furniture polish recipe with coconut oil as the main ingredient.
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