Sending your wedding ring or other favorite jewelry to be cleaned can be expensive — not to mention having to be without them until they’re finished. Lucky for you, there are ways to get your precious pieces clean without spending any money or sending them off to Timbuktu. Lets find out how to make your own jewelry cleaner.
Supplies You’ll Need
Grab a small bowl and the following ingredients: 1 Tablespoon salt, 1 Tablespoon baking soda, 1 cup hot water, and 1 Tablespoon liquid dish soap. You’ll also need paper towel or two, some aluminum foil, and an old toothbrush for scrubbing.
Easy Phase 1
First, heat your water in the microwave for a minute or two in a separate cup. Then grab your aluminum foil and cut a piece that just about covers the bottom of your bowl, and line it. Does the foil surprise you? It’s a method many people have used for years to clean silver and precious metals. When combined with the baking soda, you get just the right reaction to make jewelry really shine. Just trust the process. 🙂
Easy Phase 2
Add salt, baking soda, and dishwashing soap to the bowl and stir. Add your jewelry and let it stand for 5-10 minutes. If desired, grab your old toothbrush and gently scrub each piece. Rinse and pat your jewelry dry, and let it sit on a paper towel to dry completely. Enjoy your new sparkle!
See? You don’t need to pay for jewelry cleaner or an expensive service to make your favorite jewelry sparkle like new.
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