Whether you’re tight on space or just want to get a little more organized, there are always new and ingenious ways to get storage space in your home. Here are 50 brilliant storage ideas that will make your home look both bigger and cleaner.
Jewelry Organizer
While you don’t have to specifically use a cheese grater for this, it can look pretty good if you touch it up a bit. Anything with holes in it, really, can be used to easily and efficiently store jewelry.
Shoe Organizer
Use a shoe organizer to keep all of your cleaning supplies and bottles all in one place. Just hang the organizer over your laundry or mudroom door and then, whenever you need to clean, just open it up and easily pick what you need.
Outdoor Towel Organizer
This is such a smart idea! Get some PVC and build a cheap but sturdy outdoor towel organizer. Your family and guests won’t have to place them on the ground anymore an you can even store pool toys and flotation devices on it as well.
Bread Boxes
Bread boxes are great storage options for the kitchen because they work as decoration as well. Simply put extra table linens in the bread boxes so, whenever there’s a spill or you’re just feeling the need to change, you can easily whip them out.
Recycled Paper Basket
If you want a project to work on that will give you more storage then this is it! This basket is made from recycled packing paper that was cut and sewed together! You can do this with wallpaper scraps as well.
Jean Pocket Holder
This idea is so clever! Take your old or worn-out jeans and turn them into a fun penholder for your desk! Just attach the jean section around a piece of wood or cardboard and stick the pens in the pocket.
Magnetic Bathroom Strip
Don’t lose any more of your bobby pins, hair clips, or other small metallic bathroom items ever again! Install a practical and chic magnetic bathroom strip to keep everything nice and organized.
Ball Storage
Now you don’t have to worry about tripping on a ball when your step out into the garage. Just get some bungee cords and run them up and down the wall with the balls behind them. You can easily pull the ball out and store it away without a problem!
Industrial Shelving
Some may not like this look, but if you do it right and it can turn out really nice. The industrial shelving can go in your kitchen or pantry and, if you want, give it a nice grocery store theme to it. Pain the edges to make it look even better.
Cereal Box Organizer
Cut up old cereal boxes, cover them in fun and colorful designs, and then turn them into awesome organizers! You can store magazines, paperwork, or anything else you want that will fit in them!
Paper Towel Holder for Ribbon
If you love crafty but have a tub full of tangled and crinkled ribbon, then here’s an awesome storage tip. Get a paper towel holder and slide the spools of ribbon onto it. Voila, you have quick and easy access!
Tackle Box
Use a tackle box to store batteries. Not only does this keep all your batteries in one spot, but the different sections divide the battery types so you never have to get confused ever again!
Spice Organizer
While you can actually get spice organizer clips, you can also just use the clips that are made to hold broom and mop handles. Attach these to a cupboard door and you’re good to go!
If you’re tight on space and it’s not the winter, consider using the fireplace as an additional storage space. It’s recessed into the wall, so using it as storage won’t take up any additional space whatsoever.
Desk Organizer
Make a fancy and fun desk organizer out of toilet paper rolls and cereal boxes. Just use fabric and craft paper to give it a colorful theme!
CD Rack
Use CD racks to store lids to pots and pans without having to clutter them all together!
Ice Cube Tray
This is such a smart idea! Use an ice cube tray to store spools of string in a neat and organized way! Now you’ll never have to rifle through boxes of tangled string ever again!
Lid Storage
Attach a metal rod to the inside of a cupboard drawer to get easy and accessible lid storage. However, you’ll only be able to use this if the lids have knobs on the top, so plan ahead!
Vertical Space
Vertical space is some of the most unused space in a home. Take full advantage of that by building (or buying) tall shelves. If needed, get a ladder or stepping stool so you can easily reach the top.
Decorative Storage Box
Believe it or not, this box was originally for baby wipes! Don’t just throw those old cardboard boxes away. You can upcycle them into decorative storage boxes for all over your home!
Fabric Tupperware Holder
If you’re looking for a project to make then try this fabric Tupperware holder. You can make it as big or as small as you need and it can go over the door to your pantry or even a small cupboard drawer.
Flip Flop Hanger
Don’t worry about your flip-flops getting crushed on the ground by heavier shoes or getting lost in your closet. By modifying a wire hanger, you can quickly get this awesome flip-flop hanger!
If you have the space and your walls are strong enough, consider using antique and decorative door handles as towel hangers. They look awesome and can really tie a whole kitchen or bathroom together.
Circular Wall Storage
This idea is both for storage and for beauty! Circular wall storage is pretty popular right now and can be used in any room and for whatever purpose!
Tin Can Caddy
Decorate tin cans with some fabric and craft paper and then simply turn them into mini storage caddies. You can use them for brushes, pencils, or anything else, really.
Creamer Bottles
Creamer bottles are a great way to store food items or other things you’d use around the kitchen. Just make sure to clean them out thoroughly or else your goldfish may taste a little weird!
Wine Rack for Towels
This almost looks like the racks
were actually made specifically for towels; it’s that good! A wine rack converted to hold towels gives your bathroom a chic and elegant look.
Ironing Board
Hide your ironing board easily by hanging it from a rod or hooks behind the door. If the fabric matches the walls, this works even better!
Cubbies are a great way to get organized and to look awesome doing it! The space gives your kitchen or room a very neat, symmetrical look while also giving everything a place to belong.
Mason Jar Organizer
You can use mason jars in a hundred different ways around your house for storage. Use them in the bathroom for things like bobby pins and Q-tips or in the kitchen to store utensils in a decorative way!
Ceiling Storage
I bet the ceiling isn’t a place you ever considered could be used for storage, is it? By attached two strands of rope or bungee cords you can hang wrapping paper or other light objects somewhere that no one will see them!
Heel Mount
Store your shoes efficiently and effectively with this homemade heel mount. You just need to attach crown molding and basic molding together at the perfect angle to get this storage system!
Filed Scrapbook Paper
Don’t just throw your scrapbook and craft paper into a random tub or bin, getting all crumpled and mixed together. Stay organized by storing it in a filing system. You can even organize them by color if you want!
While a mudroom may be beyond your capacity, if it isn’t then it’s a great option to consider. A mudroom not only keeps shoes, bags, backpacks, coats, and other things all organized but it also keeps your house cleaner by stopping any messes from getting dragged inside.
Egg Carton for Drawers
Without having to buy spendy drawer organizers, you can get everything in the right place with an empty egg carton. Just use the egg spots for small items and the other side for longer ones!
Trash Can
Use a trash can with wheels to store things like wrapping paper or even sports equipment like bats and hockey sticks. It doesn’t have to have wheels, but it makes it easier to access and store out of sight when needed.
Laundry Shelves
This is such a great way to add space to your laundry room without having to expand the whole thing! Just use your vertical space by installing a shelving system and then clipping the baskets to it!
Basket for Wires
No one likes the unsightly and even dangerous wires hanging out underneath and around the desk. Use a wire rack
(attached to the bottom of the desk) to store any wires that may be sticking out.
Sink Skirt
If you don’t’ have any cupboard space beneath your sink, you can still use it for storage! Just install a colorful and fun sink skirt around the edge of the sink!
Scarf Hanger
Put hooks on the bottom of a hanger to make an efficient scarf hanger that is incredibly practical. You can store numerous scarves and take up half the space than normal!
Christmas Light Storage
Don’t ruin your Christmas holiday by fighting with tangled and bunched together lights. Store your lights around cardboard or another object so that, when it comes time to unwind them, it’s easy and quick!
Toothbrush Storage
If you have wooden shelves in your medicine cabinet, then consider cutting little notches in it to make slots for your toothbrushes! This way, you can save space on your counter.
If you have lots of sports equipment, helmets, jackets, etc. you may want to consider a locker in the mudroom (or at least garage). This can help keep things organized and also let every member of the family know exactly where their things are.
Pot Rack
With this, you don’t have to worry about clattering pots and pans underneath your oven or in a cupboard. Just install a hanging pot rack and you’ll save so much space!
Cord Organizer
I don’t know about you, but cords seem to be EVERYWHERE and they all look the same. Use toilet paper rolls, decorate them all to look specific and unique, and then store unused cords in them. Label if necessary.
I don’t know why I haven’t ever thought about this before, but it’s a genius storage idea! Instead of having linens and pillowcases scattered around the closet, just store the linens in the pillowcases! This way, you know exactly where everything and its matching set is!
PVC Curling Iron Holders
Here’s an easy and smart way to store your curling iron and other like items. Just attach a piece of PVC pipe to the inside of a cupboard drawer and you’re good!
If you don’t want to have to go through the hassle of buying and assembling shelves for storage in vertical space, then try just using a ladder! You can store towels, blankets, or anything else.
Slide out Pantries
This is such an awesome idea! I don’t know why more houses don’t have this! Slide out pantries (especially in narrow walls that don’t do much) are a great place to store cereal and other food items.
Cardboard Toolbox
This may not be the most durable toolbox, but it sure can come in handy, especially if you don’t use the toolbox that much.
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