Cotton ball cleaning hacks? Say what? Usually, we think of cotton balls for their bathroom-related uses. They’re a necessity for cosmetic and health uses, so why not keep them in the bathroom? However, these puffy little beauties are for much more than removing makeup and cleaning cuts. In fact, they can be used all over the place. Here are some cotton ball cleaning tips that just might save your proverbial derrière.
1. Funky Fridge
If your refrigerator has seen fresher days, go for the cotton balls. First, wipe your shelves down with your all-purpose cleaner to eliminate whatever is producing the odor. Then, soak a cotton ball in your favorite essential oil or vanilla extract, and leave it in the back of the fridge to freshen it up.
2. Rank Rugs
Rugs getting old and stinky? Carpet need a refresh?Just want the room to smell fantastic? Here’s a cotton ball hack just for you. Put several drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and pull it into little pieces. Scatter the pieces on the floor, and as you vacuum, your vacuum cleaner will diffuse the scent for you. Alternatively, you can drop a few cotton balls soaked with the scent into your vacuum bag before you start vacuuming.
3. Trashy Can
Garbage not full but starting to stink? There’s really no reason to waste a garbage bag by taking the trash out early. Instead, take a couple of essential-oil-soaked cotton balls and drop them between the can and the liner. The scent will freshen things up.Your stinky problems solved!
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