Many of us have a Swiffer in our homes. They’re pretty great for cleaning floors — wet or dry — without a lot of fuss. But have you ever thought of using this versatile household tool for other chores? Here are 7 ways to use a Swiffer that you might not have thought of.
1. Get Ready to Paint
Especially if you happen to be under 6 feet tall, it’s difficult to reach those high spots on the walls and get them ready for paint. Every inch needs to be dust free, and wet or dry, Swiffer cloths can do the job while keeping you off the ladder.
2. Come Into My Parlor
But not if there’s yucky cobwebs in the corners. Ew! Grab your long-handled Swiffer mop (or duster) and get rid of them without climbing the walls. Now, that’s better!
3. Prevent Fires
You’ve probably heard that excess lint in your dryer’s lint trap could get into your dryer duct and become a fire hazard. Well, grab a Swiffer sheet. It makes cleaning easy. (Plus, you should probably use your Swiffer to clear out hard-to-reach dust and dirt around your dryer.)
4. Dig for Gold
Okay, so you’re actually looking for dust, but maybe you can pretend it’s gold. Sounds more fun, doesn’t it? Use your Swiffer to get the dust out of those nooks and crannies on a high bookshelf.
5. Freshen Drawers
Here’s a fun one. Take your Swiffer dry sheets and add a few drops of essential oils. Place them in drawers or linen closets for a fresh scent.
6. Hard-to-Reach Windows
You probably wouldn’t want to use the wet pads that come with your Swiffer for this, but you could use your regular window cleaner. The long handle makes those high corners easy to reach.
7. De-Hair Your Stairs
If your stairs are carpeted, you know the pain of having lint and hair stuck in the corners between steps. The vacuum can’t always get to it unless you loosen it up. Grab your Swiffer (dry mop or duster!) and use it to grab onto all that fuzzy goodness. What it doesn’t hold onto will be easier to get with the vacuum.
8. Get Rid of Bathroom Mildew
Dealing with the unpleasant appearence of mildew stains on your bathroom ceiling? Never fear, your Swiffer is here! Use your mop to “sweep” your bathroom ceiling free of all dirt, dust, and mildew.
9. Find Lost Objects
Did you drop an earring onto your carpet somewhere? We all know how difficult that can be to find again! Instead of crawling around on your hands and knees, attach a magnetic pad onto the bottom of your Swiffer. You’ll find that lost item in no time! Tip from Good Housekeeping.
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