Making sure your house stays clean can get pretty stinking expensive. I went looking for a cheaper alternative to all those cleaning products you can find in the store. These should make a lot more and last longer than any cleaner you buy in the store.
Live Simply has a great recipe for a bath cleaner. All it is is baking soda, water, and some essential oils. This recipe is designed specifically for the bathroom and is bound to work wonders.
Live Simply also has a great recipe for homemade laundry detergent. With just a little bit of Borax, washing soap, and liquid castile soap you can have your own laundry detergent on tap forever.
Another great recipe from Live Simply is for homemade hand soap. Apparently Castile Soap is the magic ingredient for a lot of recipes. Buy it here.
Popsugar has some amazing DIY cleaning recipes. The first one I loved was this recipe for reusable dusting wipes. Any time you can reuse something is a good thing, because it will save you so much money in the long run.
Another awesome recipe from Popsugar, this time for toilet bowl cleaner. The main ingredients (besides water) is baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide.
Dishwasher soap is something that I always forget about. It’s one of the things you use the most often, but always forget about because it’s not super visible. One way to make sure you never run out is to make your own, and Popsugar has a great recipe!
Stainless steel pans are always the best ones, but they can get dirty pretty easily and some of that baked on food doesn’t ever seem to come out. Popsugar has a recipe for a metal pot and pan cleaner that will get them back to their original shine in no time. Mix together baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap to get that recipe working for you.
If your skin is pretty sensitive it can be hard to find detergents that work for you. Borax is one of the most common things in laundry detergent that cause that scratchiness. Here is a recipe from Popsugar for laundry detergent that doesn’t require borax and might be better for your sensitive skin.
Another recipe Popsugar showed us was this recipe for bathroom cleaning wipes made from your favorite brand of paper towels. If you soak them in a mix of rubbing alcohol, lemon juice, and some other things you can have your own homemade Clorox wipes.
Moving to the living room, Popsugar gave us a dry mix to get your carpets and rugs clean. You mix together some baking soda, cornstarch, cornmeal, bay leaves, and cloves then sprinkle it on your carpet to let sit overnight. In the morning just vacuum it up and your carpets will be much cleaner and smell a million times better.
One of the places I spend the most money is on fabric softener or dryer sheets. This idea for reusable dryer sheets will probably save my life haha thanks Popsugar!
Another thing you may not think of but that could be useful is a cleaning spray for your fruit and vegetables. Sometimes rinsing them in the sink doesn’t quite cover it. When that happens, just whip out this spray to make sure everything is nice and clean. It’s literally just water and 1/4 cup vinegar. Just mix and spray!
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