Living paycheck to paycheck can make it really difficult to save money. It is not impossible though! I have put together a list of 10 of the best ideas to help you live more frugally and save money!
1. Shop With a List
Don’t go into the grocery store and walk up and down every isle picking up what you think you need. This will fill your cart fast, and you’ll end up buying (and spending) way more than what you actually need. Idea from Smart Money Simple Life.
Image from A Stay at Home Working Mom’s Tale.
2. Don’t Buy in a Hurry
We all are guilty of impulse buying, but before you run the card think about if it’s really a necessity. If it’s a large purchase, taking the extra time to look for good deals will really pay off in the end. A great frugal living tip from Melissa Knorris.
3. Write Out All Your Expenses
With online credit card statements this can be a pretty quick task. Really take the time to write down where every last penny is going and divide it into categories…you may be surprised where you’re spending a little too much. This will help you view your finances from a different perspective, so you know where you need to cut back. Tip from A Cultivated Nest.
Image from Wise Geek.
4. Buy Meat in Bulk
Meat adds the $ onto our shopping lists…it can be really expensive! So when you see it for a really good sale, buy it in bulk. When you get home cut it into realistic portions, label, and freeze. Then when you’re looking for dinner ideas you will have meat on hand. Awesome grocery tip from Meet Penny.
5. Buy Cars in Cash
This principle can be used for a lot of different large expenses. Whenever possible save up (even if it takes awhile) for your large expenses and pay cash. Every time you have to pay something off it just adds more money to your monthly expenses. Tip from Snyders Tell All.
6. Don’t Try to Outdo Everyone Around You
Don’t worry about how everyone else is living and doing things. You can never keep up with them, so just do what you can and worry about your family! Such a great tip from Club Thrifty that I know we’re all guilty of at one time or another.
7. Keep It Simple
This is a really important tip from Single Mom’s Income especially for those of us who are not natural savers. We can come up with millions of ideas on how to save and how to be frugal, but it’s only going to help if we actually apply it. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Sometimes saving money comes in baby steps, so be willing to take your time and really apply the financial goals you are making.
8. Be Aware
There are small choices every day that can affect how much you are spending. For example turn down your thermostat at night, and when you are gone during the day. When you leave a room turn off the lights. Take shorter showers. Don’t leave the water running while you brush your teeth. Use energy saving light bulbs. The list could go on, but I think you get the idea. All these small decisions can make a big difference in the cost of your power bill at the end of the month.
9. Coupons
They are everywhere, and when you use them it is free money in your pocket! So look for them, sign up for them, and use them whenever possible. Tip from Madame Deals.
10. Save Gas
When gas prices go up our wallets can really take a hit. Just spend a little extra time to plan ahead. Run errands that are near each other, and avoid going out for just one thing unless it’s an emergency. Another great tip from Madame Deals.
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